How to be Your Self (Chapter 01 – I Experience Real Life)

2008 | Installation with a pair of women’s red leather stiletto shoes, acrylic case, wooden pedestal and audio/video | Installation dimensions: variable | 2 channel audio/video: 9 min 30 sec each | Photos: Travencore Art Gallery, Delhi

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How to be Your Self (Chapter 01 – I Experience Real Life), is an installation that consist of a pair of red women’s shoes and an acrylic case, both placed on top of a tall wooden pedestal. A 2 channel audio/video projected on two separate screens, placed on either sides of the pedestal is also part of the artwork.

The audio/video for Channel 2, consists of various phrases recited by 58 Indian women of various age groups, occupations, religions, and economic backgrounds. These modified excerpts originate from chapter 1 titled, ‘A Lady Experiences Real Life’ from the book, ‘How To Be A Lady’, 2001, by the American writer Candace Simpson-Giles. The recited phrases suggest the proper codes of conduct, which should be adhered to by women, during social and personal interactions. This need to define women through behaviour is often stifling and alludes towards imposition and obligation.

The so-called rightful acts of women’s behaviour are sharply contrasted with channel 1, where 58 Indian men from various backgrounds, occupations and age groups are trying to fit into a pair of women’s stilettoes. Not only is the act of frivolity evident here, but also the shear will, and patience required in accomplishing the task. This action also becomes an allegory for societal pressures that women endure to conform to ideals of beauty and its expectations. The red shoes seen in the video is also part of the installation and is placed on a high wooden pedestal. This placement indicates the societal hypocrisy towards women – that holds them high, and at the same time expects them to behave within prescribed codes of conduct as suggested in the book.

Through narration and juxtaposition in, How to be Your Self (Chapter 01 – I Experience Real Life), we are encouraged to uncover the hidden messages from the naiveté of these spoken words. Through the reading of these staged codes of conduct, women express the dilemma they experience due to societal pressure, that expects them to be someone they are not. The audience soon discovers the emphasis of ‘doing’ rather than ‘being’, thereby focusing on the need to be yourself without judgment.

How to be Your Self (Chapter 01 – I Experience Real Life), is part of, How to be Your Self, an on-going multidisciplinary project inspired by the book, ‘How To Be A Lady’, 2001, by the American writer Candace Simpson-Giles. This book is compiled of chapters with guidelines for women, on how to apply common courtesies and behaviours in private and public. This book raises various issues regarding the world of patriarchy, feminism and was the impetus for women to tell their stories about identity and their roles in society. The book focuses on how society judges’ women superficially through action and appearance, which often goes unquestioned and unchallenged.