Une pièce de monnaie de Monsieur Risso

2012-13 | Audio/video: 16 min 6 sec | Photo: Project 88, Mumbai

Video stills
Audio/video extract
Full version | French
Full version | English subtitles

The video, Une pièce de monnaie de Monsieur Risso, takes its starting point from an interview by the artist with Mr. Pierre Risso at his apartment in St. Denis; a northern suburb of Paris. Mr. Risso, who was born in 1928, recounted his heroic life as part of the Northern Liberation Movement in France during the Second World War. This meeting with Mr. Risso was initiated as part of the artist’s research involving the history of the ammunition factories in St. Denis.

During the conversation, Mr. Risso gave the artist a two franc aluminum coin, which was minted in 1947. He recalled that aluminum coins were substituted for the original copper ones when they were melted down to make ammunitions for the War. The coin’s origin was later questioned when the artist consulted a local historian, and another story was revealed. This inspired the artist to explore the difference between perceptual experiences that happen in the present and the interplay of remembering and imagination that takes place after time has lapsed. The video became a mechanism for the artist to explore how history is interpreted and shared; while at the same time questioning the validity of stories that emerge from personal interactions and informed attestations by the state.

The video begins with a dialogue between the artist and Mr. Risso, which develops into an animated story. As the narrative unfolds, the coin embarks on a journey to discover its identity; coming in contact with people from various places such as a Flea Market, Church, Public Garden, History Museum and Public Library; located within the Département of Seine-Saint-Denis. The story does not arrive at a final conclusion; but rather more questions emerge when the coin finds itself in a Public Library and is confronted with various interpretations of its origin. While developing this video, the artist reflected on his own journey of discovery about the correlation between myth and reality. By creating this coin’s personal story, the artist explores the complexity of history and whether myth is at the heart of our understanding, which in turn can influence our sense of the present reality.

Une pièce de monnaie de Monsieur Risso, was developed during Baptist Coelho’s Artist-in-Residence at Centre International d’Accueil et d’Echanges des Récollets, Paris, 2012. The residency was supported by Mairie de Paris; Institut Français; Espace Synethésie, Saint-Denis; Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Delhi. In 2013, the audio/video was first screened as part of the artist’s solo screening, ‘Chill Together’ at Commune Image, Saint Ouen. The screening was curated by Cécile Bourne-Farrell and the audio/video was supported by Buchet Ponsoye Foundation, Paris; Espace Synesthésie, Saint-Denis; TRIAD, London and some Paris based organisations.